Monday, June 23, 2008

Vignettes of a weekend

I’ve had a busy, happy and fulfilling weekend…. Really, how often can you use all these adjectives together to describe a measly two days off from work!

Well, for starters there was a reunion luncheon with college buddies at a posh restaurant. Imagine meeting people after 15 years and reliving all the good times you have shared with them!! Seeing your giggly bunch of college pals morph into sophisticated, confident women gives a massive high…..

Then there was that little butterfly I’d been trying to catch for the last few days… on camera, I mean. I finally managed to do it, even though the shots weren’t as good as I would have liked. But at least I made a start…. Now there’s another blue-hued one I’ve set my heart upon for my next conquest.

And finally, I actually managed to take out some time (read half-an-hour) to revive my creative instincts, and get started on one of my recycling projects that I’d been yearning to do for a while. The stuff is still half-done but I hope to pin it down soon. Keep checking for more…


delhidreams said...

i will
its a gud start
now, what's next

Cyndy said...

Do you know the name of this butterfly?

Creative Rumblings said...

Sorry, Cyndy, such a shame that I don't. But this variety is being seen around here a lot this year.

Anyone else out there who knows her name?

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Winged visitor

Winged visitor
This felllow came a-visiting yesterday morning. For a better picture, click on the photograph here.